Sep 27, 2023

10 Content Marketing Examples That Will Make You Go WOW

10 Content Marketing Examples That Will Make You Go WOW
From viral campaigns to thought leadership, this post explores 10 stellar examples of creative content marketing from leading brands across formats like video, social media, blogs, and more.
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Blaze Team
Blaze Team

Have you ever come across a piece of content that left you thinking, "Wow, that was amazing!" Whether it was an interactive quiz, a hilarious video, or an inspirational story, it likely grabbed your attention, sparked your interest, made you eager to learn more, and maybe even compelled you to take action. This feeling is exactly what great content marketing aims to achieve.

When done right, content marketing has the power to capture your audience's attention, pique their interest, build desire, and drive them to take action. Unlike traditional advertising, great content marketing provides value to your audience rather than just pitching a product.

In this article, we'll explore 10 stellar examples of creative content marketing across formats like video, social media, blogs, and more. From interactive campaigns that went viral to educational resources that position brands as thought leaders, these examples achieve the ultimate content marketing goals: sparking interest, engaging audiences, and building strong brand connections. With these proven, real-world content marketing examples as inspiration, you'll be ready to wow your own audiences and take your content game to the next level.


  • Interactive content like Spotify's personalized Wrapped campaign and Canva's user-generated design challenges can boost engagement through entertaining, customized experiences.
  • Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok offer huge opportunities for tailored content that resonates with each platform's style and audience.
  • Emotional video storytelling like Apple's "Dear Apple" campaign forges strong brand connections, while strategic partnerships like Adobe's Sundance videos provide insider access.
  • Consistent blogging around audience needs and interests can organically attract and convert visitors over time, as shown by Atlassian and HubSpot.
  • Ebooks that provide tactical advice on hot topics readers care about make for effective gated content, like Ann Handley's newsletter tips and Drift's personalization stats.
  • Influencer partnerships like Bombas x Brass Queens build an aura around a brand, while aggregating user generated content as Neutrogena did taps into authentic enthusiasm.
  • Supporting customers through challenges with useful content strengthens loyalty, and disruptive spins on traditional content like Unbounce's interactive benchmark surprise and engage.
  • The most effective content strategies identify and address audience desires, pain points, and aspirations through valuable, engaging formats.

Interactive Content Marketing Examples

Spotify Wrapped

One of the most powerful examples of interactive content marketing comes from Spotify with its annual "Wrapped" campaign. This highly engaging campaign provides Spotify users with personalized insights and data about their own music listening behavior over the past year.

When users access Spotify Wrapped, they see visually compelling, easily digestible stats on their top artists, songs, genres, and podcasts. The experience feels like unwrapping a customized gift just for them. Spotify has gamified the experience with features like quizzes to guess your top song and the ability to share your Wrapped story on social media.

This campaign is a fantastic example of interactive content marketing done right. By leveraging user data to deliver a personalized experience, Spotify deepens its relationship with listeners. Spotify Wrapped provides value through entertainment and by satisfying users' curiosity about their habits. The shareable nature of the campaign also generates earned media exposure and word-of-mouth promotion.

Since launching this campaign in 2016, Spotify has experienced tremendous user growth, expanding from 100 million subscribers in 2019 to over 188 million by the end of 2022. Spotify Wrapped has proven itself as a repeatable formula, capturing audience attention year after year.

For other brands looking to boost engagement, Spotify Wrapped stands out among the best content marketing campaign examples and examples of content marketing strategy. Tapping into user data to deliver customized, interactive experiences can create magic.

Canva Design Challenge

Another brand nailing interactive content is Canva with its ongoing #CanvaDesignChallenge campaign. As a platform empowering people to create visually compelling content, Canva decided to launch a weekly contest to engage its creative community.

The #CanvaDesignChallenge calls on users to craft an original graphic design around a different theme each week. Past themes have included "Back to School," "Spooky Season," and "Favorite Holiday Foods." A panel from Canva's staff judges the submissions and selects their top 5 favorites at the end of each week.

This campaign works brilliantly because it leverages user-generated content. By crowdsourcing designs from Canva's engaged user base, the company gains beautiful, relevant content to showcase with barely any effort. The campaign also fosters a spirit of friendly competition and gives designers a chance to show off their skills using Canva.

Since launching the #CanvaDesignChallenge, user submissions under this branded hashtag have exceeded 36,000 and counting. The campaign costs next to nothing to implement, yet it delivers outstanding engagement and content. For any brand with an active, creative community, a user-generated content campaign can inspire audiences to participate and spread brand awareness.

Overall, Spotify Wrapped and Canva's Design Challenge demonstrate the remarkable potential of interactive content marketing. When done strategically, interactive content provides value, entertainment, and personalized experiences that audiences love to engage with and share. These examples prove that interactive content can grab attention in a crowded marketplace and is well worth the investment.

Social Media Content Marketing Examples

Travel Manitoba Tiktok

With billions of active users across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, social media presents a huge opportunity for brands' content marketing. Savvy brands are creating content specifically tailored for these platforms and seeing great success. One standout example is Travel Manitoba's social media presence, particularly on TikTok.

Travel Manitoba is the tourism marketing organization for the Canadian province of Manitoba. On TikTok, the account shares stunning travel videos highlighting experiences and destinations within the province set to trending music and captions. The authentic, fun videos cover types of trips from outdoor adventures like dog sledding under the northern lights to urban getaways featuring Winnipeg's hip restaurants and culture.

This campaign works because it leverages the popular content style and engaged user base on TikTok. The videos inspire viewers to envision an amazing Manitoba getaway while experiencing it vicariously through engaging footage. Travel Manitoba's TikTok presence has amassed over 30,000 followers and over 260,000 total likes, reaching a highly targeted audience with influence over travel decisions.

For brands in tourism and hospitality, social media content marketing can highlight experiences and visuals that your property or destination offers. Travel Manitoba provides an excellent case study in taking advantage of a thriving platform like TikTok to reach and influence potential visitors.

Corona #ThisIsLiving Campaign

Another powerful social media content marketing example comes from beer brand Corona with their long-running #ThisIsLiving campaign on Instagram. This campaign taps directly into an aspirational dream for many Instagram users: relaxing beachside with a drink in hand.

Corona's Instagram feed features endless gorgeous photos of paradise destinations with people soaking up the sun and enjoying the water. Despite launching years ago, the hashtag still generates tens of thousands of tags and posts from users associating Corona with living the beach lifestyle.

By tying their brand tightly to a desirable scene tailor-made for Instagram, Corona forged an emotional connection with consumers. The aspirational imagery continues working years later to drive high engagement. For CPG brands, identifying a compelling lifestyle or scene and consistently associating your product with that dream can make a brand sticky.

Both Travel Manitoba and Corona built strong social media presences through content carefully calibrated for each platform's style and audience. With strategic campaigns instead of one-off posts, brands can become a fixture in their followers' feeds and minds. For any marketer overwhelmed by options, these examples provide proven formulas for social content marketing success.

Video Content Marketing Examples

Dear Apple

Video content marketing allows brands to tell compelling stories and connect with audiences on an emotional level. One brand leveraging the power of video storytelling is Apple with its "Dear Apple" campaign. This series of videos features real-life stories of Apple Watch users in distressing situations where the Watch provided potentially life-saving emergency assistance.

One ad shows a man stranded in the snowy wilderness able to call for help and share his location using his Apple Watch. Another features a car crash victim whose Watch detected the accident and called emergency services when he was unconscious.

By highlighting real people who experienced harrowing events, Apple tugs at viewers' heartstrings. The ads emphasize how the Apple Watch's safety features can provide peace of mind. While subtle, the brand name is closely associated with users' relief and gratitude.

This campaign works brilliantly because it taps into a universal anxiety—being helpless in an emergency. By addressing this emotional need, Apple builds affinity and positions its technology as a safeguard. This video marketing campaign proves that stirring people's emotions can forge deep connections between a brand and its audience.


Another brand forming strategic partnerships to produce compelling video content is Adobe. As a leader in creative software, Adobe frequently collaborates with major media properties. In 2023, Adobe became the official editing technology partner for the prestigious Sundance Film Festival.

To showcase this partnership, Adobe worked with Sundance to create a series of behind-the-scenes videos with Hollywood stars, indie filmmakers, and festival attendees. These videos provide exclusive insider access to the most buzzed-about event in the film world.

The videos feature Adobe Premiere Pro's editing capabilities while boosting Adobe's credibility through association with elite digital filmmaking. For brands targeting creative professionals, this campaign exemplifies using strategic partnerships and unique insider content to engage your niche audience.

Both Apple and Adobe leveraged the visual storytelling power of marketing videos in very different ways. While Apple relied on emotive storytelling, Adobe focused on insider industry access. In both cases, video content aligned closely with the brand's identity and strengths to captivate viewers. For today's short attention spans, stirring videos can breakthrough and resonate.

Blog Content Marketing Examples


Blogging remains one of the most effective content types to attract and engage audiences. Two brands that have nailed the art of blogging for business growth are Atlassian and HubSpot. Their respective blogs leverage distinct strategies, but both act as invaluable content hubs driving organic traffic and conversions.

Atlassian is a leader in software for bug tracking, agile project management, and collaboration. Their Work Life blog provides stories, tips, and expert advice on navigating teamwork, leadership, and productivity. Posts like "How to Write Smart Goals" and "What is Servant Leadership" attract high organic traffic by satisfying search intent.

The blog content establishes Atlassian as a trusted authority on business efficiency and company culture. Well-optimized articles combined with relatable storytelling entice visitors to try Atlassian's solutions. This blog exemplifies using SEO and engaging writing to organically reach interested prospects.


Another superstar blog example comes from inbound marketing software company, HubSpot. Early on, HubSpot's blog focused on educating readers about topics like SCRUM methodology, email deliverability, analytics, and lead generation.

While providing tremendous value, the blog also incorporated growth tactics like gated content upgrades and guest posts by industry influencers. These strategies fueled HubSpot's rise from a startup to 100,000 users. Today, the blog continues to publishoptimize inbound marketing resources, acting as the heart of HubSpot's content ecosystem.

Both HubSpot and Atlassian built their blogs around their audience's core needs and interests. With remarkable consistency and optimization, they organically attracted visitors and fomented brand advocates. For any business seeking sustainable inbound traffic growth, take inspiration from these blog content marketing pioneers.

Ebook Content Marketing Examples

Ann Handley

Ebooks remain a popular type of content offer because they provide value while capturing business-critical contact information. Two stellar examples of ebooks as content marketing come from industry experts Ann Handley and Drift.

Ann Handley is the author of the bestselling book "Everybody Writes" and host of the "Ann Handley on Writing" podcast. She's grown her email list to over 40,000 subscribers through her long-running newsletter. To help others find newsletter success, Ann created the ebook "How to Newsletter."

This tactical ebook distills Ann's expertise on crafting compelling newsletters into actionable tips. She shares hard-won insights on everything from choosing a cadence to writing irresistible subject lines. Her informal, humorous writing style makes the ebook a breeze to consume.

Ann's ebook works because it provides tremendous value based on her personal experience. Lead magnet content is most effective when creators truly understand readers' pain points and offer solutions. For anyone Starting a newsletter, Ann's ebook is a goldmine.


Another example of an impactful content ebook comes from Drift, creators of conversational marketing software. With website personalization exploding, Drift published a data-backed ebook called "The State of Personalization."

This ebook taps into surging demand for tailored digital experiences and makes a persuasive case for personalization. With compelling stats and examples, the ebook convinces readers to abandon one-size-fits-all content in favor of customized interactions.

Like Ann's ebook, Drift's lead magnet succeeds by addressing a hot topic their audience cares about. Ebooks that educate readers provide value while capturing business-critical contacts. For impactful gated content, ensure your offer speaks to what's top of mind.

B2C Content Marketing Examples


In the B2C space, innovative brands are connecting with consumers through creative content that tugs at heartstrings. One example is sock brand Bombas, which partnered with the Brass Queens NYC band for an influencer campaign.

The Brass Queens are an all-female brass band with the goal of inspiring and elevating fellow women. Bombas cleverly associated its brand with these role models by having the band wear Bombas socks while performing around New York City.

This influencer campaign works because it associates Bombas with captivating community leaders. Seeing inspirational artists sporting Bombas socks builds an emotional link. The partnership suggests that Bombas shares values of empowerment and self-expression with trailblazers like the Brass Queens.

For other CPG brands, identify influencers who embody the spirit of your products to tap into human connections. Find those who spark joy, inspire others, or uplift their communities—just like Bombas did.


Another B2C brand creating content that resonates is Neutrogena. The skincare brand developed the Neutrogena Creator Studio to harness the power of user generated content from skin health and beauty influencers.

These creators provide tutorials, product reviews, skincare advice, and more in an authentic style that builds trust. By aggregating this content in the Creator Studio, Neutrogena benefits from genuine enthusiasm and expertise.

This campaign succeeds by recognizing creators’ credibility with audiences. Instead of developing blandly promotional content, Neutrogena hands the reins to those who know skincare best. For CPG and retail brands, collaborating with your community creates content people love to watch and share.

B2B Content Marketing Examples


In the B2B realm, content that provides value during challenging times or disrupts expectations can achieve breakout success. Salesforce and Unbounce have created content that checks both boxes.

As remote work exploded during COVID-19, Salesforce launched a video series called "Leading Through Change" to support customers. This series tackles topics like employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability when managing distributed teams.

Short animated videos provide tactical tips and inspirational stories from business leaders navigating the new normal. By providing guidance during a turbulent period, Salesforce strengthened trust and loyalty with customers.

This campaign worked brilliantly because it addressed businesses' most urgent pain points with compassion. Meeting customers where they are instead of a sales pitch nourishes relationships. For B2B brands, look for opportunities to support your audience through tough times with useful content.


Another innovative example comes from Unbounce and their annual Conversion Benchmark Report. In a clever spin, Unbounce published the typically dull data as an interactive web page experience.

Visitors scroll through engaging data visualizations breaking down key metrics by industry. The content holds readers' attention while educating them on conversion best practices. And gated contact forms capture lead data throughout the experience.

Unbounce gave typically bland B2B content the interactive, visual appeal of consumer media. The novel format disrupts expectations while conveying data insights. For fellow B2B brands, take a cue from Unbounce and get creative with content presentation while providing value.

Both Salesforce and Unbounce created content that aligned closely with business needs during a specific moment. Timely, novel, and useful content cuts through the noise to make an impact. Study your audience carefully for opportunities to support them with disruptive content ideas.

Wrapping Up

After reviewing these remarkable examples, one thing is clear: content that captivates and connects is the key to marketing success. Just like Starbucks Wrapped leaves you eagerly awaiting what data will be unveiled this year, or Bombas’ Brass Queens campaign makes you proud to wear their socks, the most effective content strategies spark attention and emotion.

Whether it’s an interactive quiz, an educational ebook, or an inspiring video, content that provides value builds lasting brand affinity. Marketers must study their audience insights closely and craft content that taps into people’s desires, pain points, and aspirations. While risky, disruptive content ideas are often what cut through the noise.