real people.
real results.

“Beauty of Blaze is you actually say, I want this objective and I want it for all these things is just check check check, boom. There it is.”

“14 years of experience writing instead of taking me five hours to write a good article for my clients it takes me one hour.”

“Blaze has been a lifesaver for making social media content, website content, and turning that into several pieces of content, and it's saved me a lot of time."

“The response from our clients when we use Blaze is that it just comes across amazing.”

“In Blaze you're able to go in there and prompt it one time and it'll create all the different captions specifically for each of your target platforms, and that's been a game changer.”

"Blaze has been a massive help. Generating content then automatically making it into Linkedin posts, my Instagram posts, and TikToks scripts."

"Blaze has grounded a lot of my ideas and actually has gotten it to be executed."

"Blaze removed my stress and accomplish all of my marketing within an hour or two, versus an entire week."

"Blaze has been saving me probably good 16 hours of fortnight, which is huge. Now I have days off."

"Blaze creates everything, and I can have all post automatically. It's just life changing, honestly, life changing."

"Even if we write something ourselves, we put it through Blaze and it will sound better and more on brand."
"Faster Growth and More Sales"
"Because of Blaze, my website started ranking on Google, bringing me a lot more new business"
"Blaze is so easy. It writes the caption, schedules the positing, and boom, go."
"What Blaze generates is better quality than another AI service."
"The turn-into feature blew me away."
"Being able to schedule posts, really give me time back. What use to take me hours is now minutes."
"I never would have been able to write all that content or put all those things out there just on my own without Blaze."
"We're really, really busy right now. And Blaze helps us keep the content flowing,"
"Blaze writes all my blogs and social media content. It is so much fun!"
"The best surprise was with the possibility to schedule all the delivery of the content. I's helping us streamline our process."
"Blazed with a couple of buttons, I can point to reference materials and say, build this. It's been infinitely easier than build from scratch. It's been a game changer for our business."
"I'm impressed with how much Blaze already knows. I'm like, wow, that's fantastic. And then I can feed off that and it makes it so easy."
"The Highest Quality Content"
"I was using another service for last two years that I just canceled because Blaze has far exceeded my expectations. "
"Blaze has cut my work in half. I can now dedicate my afternoons to myself or doing more important work."
"I think we increased the website traffic increased by about 27% just by leveraging the Blaze."
"For anyone who is a business owner and has a creative component to their marketing, this is probably the best platform ever."
"I use Blaze to generate blogs and social media posts. And then directly publish them to WordPress, Instagram, and Linkedin. Saving me a ton of time."
"I found myself being convinced by the blog posts Blaze wrote for me. That's how good it is."
"Blaze doesn't just unlock extra time, it also is a catalyst to use time more effectively."
"Blaze is like my right hand man. Since I am a single employee organization, Blaze is that filling that void for me right now"
"I just can't describe in words the time that I've been able to get back now and to focus on other aspects of my business."
"The brand voice is everything. It is very much attuned into the way that I communicate and it really does sound like me."
"Using Blaze we have double our social media following with a lot of engagement."
"Loved Blaze's Brand Voices"
“If I was going to pay somebody to create posts for me, that's going to be $1,200/month minimum. For what the program costs, it's quite cheap for the value you get out of it.”
"The newsletter without Blaze used to take me 2 hours to repurpose from the main content. Now it takes me at most 20 minutes."
"The newsletter without Blaze used to take me 2 hours to repurpose from the main content. Now it takes me at most 20 minutes."
"Before Blaze my newsletter was inconsistent because it became quite daunting — I've got to think up all of this from scratch. Now I have an outline to work off of and gives me that initial clarity of what I want to say."
“I've wanted to blog for years, and I would always start and then give up. With Blaze, it's just seamless to upload my podcast and turn it into a blog, add some photos, and then publish. It has been phenomenal.”
“We're creating five to seven blog posts per week. Every single one will have a LinkedIn post associated to promote it, among other thing to help drive that engagement and traffic.”
“It takes a weight off my shoulders just thinking that I have posts going out and I'm getting in front of my clients for the rest of the month.”
“It's actually quality content, it's unbelievable. I'm very picky when it comes to aviation knowledge and Blaze does a really good job of capturing our brand voice.”
“Blaze has stepped in and just made everything easier because I now have the right tools for what I need it to do, when I need to do it.”
“One of the things I really like about Blaze is the face that i could literally just give a page from my website that I'd written myself and created a brand voice from it. And it's bang on what I want it to be.”
“Blaze is a tool where if you utilize it effectively, you can really build the brand of your dreams and build that omnipresent social experience where you're everywhere at once.”
"so much time saved"

“Blaze is definitely that employee that I've beetn looking for that doesn't run out of ideas, keeps things fresh, and shows up consistently for me. I'm really happy with it.”

“Blaze is definitely that employee that I've been looking for that doesn't run out of ideas, keeps things fresh, and shows up consistently for me. I'm really happy with it.”

“I just found Blaze to be really good value for the money. It has helped me speed up a lot of work so my team can work on it and be more effecive.”

“In the past three months, we've gone from 300 clicks/month to 1,400/month. It's been really really good.”

“Blaze is generating content that is very well written.”

“It was really easy to take a blog post and turn it into a Youtube script or Instagram post.”

“I created a brand voice based off my website, but then went back and basically redid all the copy on my website in my brand voice to made sure it matches. I'm not a writer by any means but it was great.”

“It cuts down what would be a 6-hour process down to 20 minutes.”

“We have copywriters that sometimes forget there is a brand voice, so by starting off the copy with a brand voice it’s already baked into the cake.”

“We were using other AI programs and they were just not cutting it. The amount of time we spent making big prompts was not worth the inconsistent quality.”

“Blaze is the easiest compared to other AI tools I’ve worked with.”